Multiple Intelligence

Gardner firmly maintains that his theory of multiple intelligences should empower learners, not restrict them to one modality of learning.

About us

According to Howard Gardner, intelligence is:

• The ability to create an effective product or offer a service that is valued in a culture.

• A set of skills that make it possible for a person to solve problems in life.

• The potential for finding or creating solutions for problems, which involves gathering new knowledge. (How we work).

Howard Gardner different abilities:


Learning through spoken and written words, reading, listening, speaking and writing.

Journalist, Teacher, Lawyer.

1. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence


Learning through reasoning and problem-solving: numbers.

Engineer, Programmer, Accountants.

2. Mathematical-Logical


Learning through songs, patterns, rhythms, instruments, and musical expression.

Musician, Composer and Instrumentalists.

3. Musical


Learning visually and organizing ideas spatially: think in images and pictures and “see” things in one’s mind.

Navigator, Sculptor and Architect.

4. Visual-Spatial


Learning through interaction with one’s environment: concrete experiences.

Athlete, Dancers, Actors and Fire fighters.

5. Bodily/Kinesthetic


Learning through feelings, values, and attitudes: understand other people.

Researcher, Novelist, Entrepreneur, Politics, Diplomats, Teachers, Doctors, Social workers and Communicators.

6. Intrapersonal


Learning through interactions with others: working collaboratively and cooperatively.

Philosopher, Writers and Religious.

7. Interpersonal


Learning through classification, categories, and hierarchies: ability to pick up on subtle differences.

Environmentalist, Farmers, Botanist, Veterinaries, Scientists, Agronomists and Biologists.

8. Naturalist


Learning by seeing the “big picture”. Connects real world understandings and application to new learning

Philosopher and Theorist.

9. Existential